Saturday, March 26, 2011

What Happened on Fox Street by Tricia Springstubb

Grades: 4-6

Committee annotation:

Mo Wren, Dad and “wild child” younger sister live on Fox Street. The long, hot summer is full of alarming letters, mysterious packages and difficult changes. Growing friendships and the hope of finding a real fox in her neighborhood inspire Mo to find the courage she needs.


Author web site:


  1. I think what happened on Fox Street was a very detailed book.
    I think What Happened on Fox street was a very detailed book because the author really explained how Fox street looked. There were a lot of good words used in this book. She really detailed Mo (the main character) and supported why Mo was like that. I had to use a lot of back ground knowledge for most of the book.The problem is that Mo and everybody else have never seen a fox before. Not even on Fox street! Mo’s sister went in the woods to find a fox and Mo thought that she got lost. So Mo goes out in the woods to find her sister. Mo’s dad wants to sell their house and mover somewhere else. Mo won’t stand for it though. You just have to read the book to find out! I hope you take my advice and read what happened on Fox street!
    Abigail F
    Steere Farm Elementry

  2. I read this book last year and I thought it was a fantastic book.
